------ Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2005 -----

Dedicated to all pets / service dogs who died in hurricane Katrina, Rita and Wilma. Their human companions  were forced to leave them behind or die with them. Would you leave the only one that ever loved and care for you to die alone.  We owe it to both the human and non-human victims of Katrina / Rita to try and keep this from ever happening again.. 

Please write or call your Representative and Senator and ask them to please consider supporting the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (PETS Act, H.R. 3858) Press Release

Below you will learn what will be needed to safeguard your pet/companions if a Disaster strikes and what the PETS Act, H.R. 3858 (if made into law) will do to help. For anyone who doubted we need this law please Press "Katrina Pets in Pictures" below.

Dogs Shot - LA
A hand written note from an unknown pet owner asks for mercy for their dog 
Press Press
Shooting stray dogs "Below" - LA
firemanani.jpg (4294 bytes)

How to keep pets safe

Florida Pet Plan

Pet Plan NOAA

FEMA Animals and Emergencies

Hurricane Wilma

The City of Fort Myers, Fl opened a pet-friendly shelter for Hurricane Wilma

Approx 234,835 signed these petitions Will you be next?

Don't Abandon Pets In Disasters! 

A Petition to Protect the Animal Victims of Hurricane Katrina

Keep Pets Safe During Disasters - Ask Red Cross to Adopt National Program

No Pets Left Behind

Please Don't Separate Our Family

God you remember Hurricane Katrina and Rita the way our owners were forced to leave us to die some a slow death. A wonderful group of people in Washington DC and across the world are trying to get a law passed that would make it possible for families to stay together.

Some of us were left in our crates for our safety only to see the water rise slowly till we drowned a little by little.

Some of us were tied where the owners felt we would be safe yet the water kept rising we tried to swim till we drowned little by little.

Some of us were left in buildings above the flood with food our owners had signs pleading for our life yet humans shot us.

Some of the service animals had humans to care for yet they were forced to stay and die. Did you know that it's against the law to separate a service animal from their human?

In New Orleans and surrounding areas what will be the cost of cleaning up all the human and animal body's?  

What will be the cost to the children who lost their furry companion? 

What will be the cost to the little old ladies who had to leave the only ones who seemed to care their cats / kittens. 

What will be the cost to the family who came home and found their companion animals had died in the crate where the left him to be safe or the companion animals who they tied to be safe only to be drowned little by little.

Please God don't let our lives be wasted help humans make sure this type of disaster never happens again.

Please write or call your Representative and Senator. Press below to find them.

Representatives of the 109th Congress press

Senators of the 109th Congress press

For ideas on what to say in your letters to congress about HR3858 below are some ideas
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Below is the "Picture Section"
Pictures of Love and Caring Pictures Katrina Pets Press For Bill HR3858

Please support H.R.3858
Title: To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to ensure that State and local emergency preparedness operational plans address the needs of individuals with household pets and service animals following a major disaster or emergency.

Press Release

Congressman Tom Lantos Legislation Will Ensure That in Future Disasters, People Will Not be Forced to Abandon Household Pets

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Washington, DC – Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA) and co-sponsors Christopher Shays (R-CT), Don Young (R-AK) and James Oberstar (D-MN) and Barney Frank (D-MA), today introduced legislation to ensure that in any future disaster, federal officials will not separate people from their household pets and service animals such as seeing-eye dogs, as they did in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

The Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (PETS Act, H.R. 3858), requires local and state emergency preparedness authorities to include in their evacuation plans how they will accommodate household pets or service animals in case of a disaster. Local and state authorities must submit these plans in order to qualify for grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

“The devastation in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama brought unbelievable images into American homes every night,” Lantos said. “The losses of life and property were simply staggering. And on top of all that, the sight of evacuees choosing between being rescued or remaining with their pets, perhaps even having to leave behind the trained and faithful helping animals that some people with disabilities rely on every day, was just heartbreaking. Our legislation will put an end to that.” 

Lantos is the co-founder of the Friends of Animals Caucus; he currently co-chairs the caucus with Rep. Shays.

“Katrina taught us the hard lesson that, as we prepare for future emergencies, it's important we include in our plans ways to protect our pet owners and their pets,” Shays said. “The common-sense bill we are introducing today requires state and local preparedness groups to include in their protocols plans for evacuation of pet owners, pets and service animals in the event of a major disaster so that owners don’t have to make a choice between their personal safety and their pets’ safety."

At a news conference announcing the bill, officials from the Humane Society of the United States, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Doris Day Animal League and the Best Friends Animal Society emphasized their support for this initiative.

Lantos is a cosponsor of a dozen bills addressing issues raised the Gulf Coast disaster. Among these bills are measures to give Medicaid to those affected by the disaster, to provide additional funds to local and educational agencies to support elementary and secondary schools for displaced students, to assist vulnerable children in foster care by providing states maintenance payments on behalf of foster children in areas affected by the hurricane, and to let natural disaster victims declare bankruptcy as needed without having to enter newly-enacted repayment programs.


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